Different Beauty Standards: starts from heart, we all deserve to be happy - says Indre

Where were you born?
I was born and raised in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.
What are your talents?
I am not sure I have any specific talent. But I think I am doing well in writing (stories, experiences and poems). Also I am very interested in fashion, interior design, literature and psychology.
Wearing Levander Upcycled Slip Dress
What's your favorite color?
I like all pastel colours, but my favourite is baby pink.
I have a diploma in aesthetic cosmetology, but have not found my dream specialty, still looking for myself.
Tell us more about your disability and how did it happened?
I was born with a femoral deficiency. I do not have a thigh, so I need a prosthesis to walk. Anyway, I feel best jumping on one leg because the prosthesis often rubs and hurts, but I do not complain, most importantly, I can walk. I had four surgeries, so spent a lot of my childhood time in hospitals and sanatoriums. When I was a baby, I was offered to amputate my foot, but my parents refused to keep my identity. I am grateful to them for that.
Do you feel disattached from society & what would help you to be feel more part of it?
My parents raised me as a full-fledged person, for all these years I live like most people do.
However, in the general public, we do not appear openly because we thought it was not ready for it yet, we were afraid of angry comments and bullying. Even now, it is a little scary for me, even though I see society moving forward. I studied in a gymnasium where there are 20% of children with disabilities, in 12 years I understood what a community means, I felt safe there. It is sad to see that people are still hiding, I do not want to hide anymore. I want to be visible and speak loudly about my disability. And it would help, I think, just to talk about getting more people to join and open up on their own. Makara wear gave me a great chance to be seen by a larger audience of people.
Do you think beauty standards is changing and how?
Yes, you can see that people are becoming more and more liberated. People are starting to realize that no matter how much you weigh, what height you are, what skin colour you are or what your disability is, you have the right to feel beautiful and fulfilling. In Lithuania, people are still hiding a bit, especially almost no one talks about physical disability, I hid too, but I realized that it is time to start talking and showing, and people perception will change. I used to hide my leg when I took photos, but now I do not want to hide anymore because it is part of me and it has the right to be seen like all other parts of the body.
What does ACHIEVEMENT mean to you?
When a person may feel he has done something useful. It is not necessary to earn a million or build a house to feel you have achieved a lot, I think it is enough to help another to feel better, it is already an achievement. I feel like I have achieved a lot, because I helped myself feel good in my body first, and then I help others, inspiring people to love themselves.
What is your definition of success?
My definition of success - to love your life and be grateful for every morning.
I used to think that my disability was a punishment, but I realized that it was a gift and I am a successful person. As one of my friends said, “Life needs to be celebrated,” so I think you will be successful because we create it for ourselves.
Wearing Red Open Scale Swimsuit
How does Makara Wear differ from other apparel companies ?
Makara wear is a very high-quality brand. I am very fascinated by the modern and aesthetic style. I think every woman wearing a Makara wear swimsuits or dress will feel sexy and strong. I have been looking for a swimsuit for my figure for a long time, and I finally found it. I do not want to take off because it enveloped me like a second skin, I feel very beautiful. But most important, I feel comfortable.
How do you feel with our Levander Dress?
My mom grows lavender, they have a very specific smell and look very fragile, so I feel like lavender. It is very unusual for me to wear short dresses, but this dress is a good start. She caresses the skin so gently and the colour is very beautiful. I imagine walking with her in nature or in lavender fields, so feminine. I really like this dress.
Let's talk about body positivity, as we know that you were not so comfortable with your body , but now you are, what's changed?
People have told me that I am overweighted. That is why I felt bad, I was heavily influenced by society, especially the guys words. I wanted to be like all girls, thin, healthy and very beautiful. But I did not realize I was beautiful as I am. Maybe my foot looks unusual, leg with a lot of scars, but I have it and for me it is very beautiful because it tells a story about the path of my life. I will not lie that I always love myself, I have to tell myself every day that I am an amazing and beautiful woman. I understand that no matter what others say, what I and my loved ones say is important. And anyway, the soft body is very sexy and attractive, so let’s not survive if we gain a couple of pounds. Take care of your body.
What inspired you to change/transform?
I saw women with prosthesis on the internet and she looked so beautiful. I was fascinated and jealous at the same time because I was hiding and very complex of my disability. I tried to be more open, but I failed every time. Then two years ago, on a facebook platform, I saw a girl who was looking for a person with a physical disability for her diploma work. I realized that this is my chance. That is how my journey to freedom began. Full of tears, fears and achievements. At this point, I feel stronger than ever.
And what you would wish to the girls, who feels, they can't wear some of our swimsuits or certain clothing because they don't trust them self?
Look in the mirror more often and say out loud what you like about your body. It was very difficult for me at first, but it got easier and easier. Then realize that you are not alone, you have a friend or family member nearby who will encourage you. Do not be strict with yourself and do not look for cons, be kind to yourself. And Makara wear swimsuits will definitely look very good on you. I am one of many examples.
Anything else to add?
I think the right people are coming to us at the right time. More and more good people are coming into my life lately and I am very grateful for that. I just want to say that let’s not stop creating and dreaming. If you feel tired just stop and take a deep breath. Take your time, after all, life is moving very fast anyway. We all deserve to be happy.
If you could travel anywhere right now, where it would be?
Italy! This is the country of my dreams. My grandmother was Moldavian and the people there are in my opinion similar to Italians in their charisma and wine. So I will definitely visit this country and maybe live at least for a while.
All Answers Answered by Indre ( @kkindre )
All Photos taken by Nerina Rekasiute ( @neringarekasiute )
We are so grate-full for Indre's bravery to share her story & grateful for our girl team - who made it happened, thank you!
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