INTERVIEW with Mermaid Sasha, who Never Stops Smiling Even Under Water

Sasha Golyanova – Surf Photographer, cute chick with blond and curly hair. She has great energy and is absolutely charming. The most surprising fact about her is, that Sasha was a Police woman in Russia, but now she chose a different direction in her life. She captures waves, surfers and moments for a living.
We are so grateful that she found a minute for us, because she is a busy bee – running between Indonesian islands, photo-shooting surfers.
Makara Wear is proud to sponsor such a powerful woman. You go girl!
Tell about yourself in one sentence?
Beautiful hopeless mess (laughing).
Very talented and creative friend of mine called me like that once. I’m a gemini and being messy is a very common trait of this sign, as I know.
Where have you born?
By the Black sea side, in beautiful town of Sochi in Russia.
I can call myself Surf – Photographer. But honestly Im more visual content creator, I do photography and videography as well. I guess I have been creative all my life and have been involved in various creative projects. I used to paint and draw at school. I studied Graphic design after high school. Now I’m using those skills for surf photography and I love my work more and more everyday.
Where are you based?
At the moment in Bali, but I never know where the winds will blow me.
Credits: Arief Budiatna
What keeps you busy everyday?
Im always planing new shoots. I love to write concepts, discuss them with my friends and turn them into reality.
Where would you travel, if you could go anywhere?
Oh, Many places indeed. Everywhere where I can shoot waves. I would love to visit: Java, Mentawai and Fiji islands. One of my dream is to go to Portugal to shoot the Nazareth.
Credits: Crille Raskal Sasha wearing Red Open Scale
What would your perfect holiday look like?
I am always ready for adventures to explore Bali and look for secret spots like wild beaches, temples and waterfalls. I love it, when it all happens unplanned.
What’s your favorite sport?
Definitely surfing, but I’m not taking it as a sport, it is more like a lifestyle. Swimming too, I swam professionally for a long time. I think it gave me a very good foundation to feel comfortable in the water during the shoots.
Where did you start to surf?
In Bali, Indonesia. When I came here for the first time, I used to surf the whole day. It was tough. Surfing requires a lot of patience and strength. I am still learning. I don’t have much time to surf as much as back in the days, most of the time i spend in the water shooting.
Crredits: Olga Sinenko Sasha wearing Long Sleeve Chromis
What brought you into surf photography?
It’s a perfect combination of things I love: photography and swimming. Water photography is incredibly challenging and I love challenges.
Before my first trip to Bali, I bought myself waterproof cases for my phone. I started to shoot in Half way Kuta beach break with my phone and that time I was still scared to take my big camera. Now, I have no problems with it.
It’s a long journey and only true love for photography and the ocean do not let me give up, it let’s you forget and flow with the most difficult ocean conditions.
Credits: Sasha
In Surf photography, most of the time i concentrate more on the surfer. I like to capture their face expression, unique movements, style and attitude.
Sure the great beauty of ocean attracts me too, but I find more challenging to tell a story about tiny human, who is not scared to conquer the wild waves.
And it was love from the first sight?
Sure, it was! The Ocean is my passion. Shooting waves and surfers always brings me a feeling of happiness and flow. Year ago floating in Gerupuk bay in Lombok I was shooting and crying at the same time with a smile on my face. That was the moment I realized that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.
What’s your favorite colour?
I love them all. It depends on the purpose and my mood. I can’t plan before which colour to slide down on the rainbow.
What’s the most important for you in your bikini?
It has to be comfy and stylish.
Credits: Arief Budiatna Sasha wearing Sporty Yogi Top & Surf Cheeky Panties
Why do you like Makara wear bikinis?
I fell in love with Makara wear designs. Simple and elegant.
And which ones you have?
I got 3 models, Long Sleeve Gold swimsuit limited edition – my first one. Fancy, I keep it for special occasions.Open Scale – my favorite one for now. Super elegant, simple and comfortable. During Deus 9ft and single competition this May I was shooting in it, , Light Blue Ex-libris – for surfing with longboard and Sporty Yogi Bikini. – for every day routine and perfectly tunes with my fins colour.
What would you say to girls who is scared to try new things like surfing or surf photography?
Fear is illusion. You just need to trust universe and believe in your powers. Im still saying it to myself every time when I go to the ocean. Because there is no big difference between me and all other girls in this planet. So if I can, they definitely can do it too!
Credit: Arief Budiatna
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