INTERVIEW with one of the most recognised worldwide Lithuanian model – Solveiga Mykolaityte

This Beautiful Woman Solveiga Mykolaityte is one of the most recognised Lithuanian Models worldwide, she has really uplifting energy and an adventurous soul.
We met Solveiga through one of our most loved photographers Paulius Stefonavicius.
This Lady breathes female fatal power and she is not scared to share that with the whole world. We love that energy she has and soon we will have her again here as our guest in Bali or LA.
Here is a little talk with her about dreams, trips and success.
Tell us about yourself in one sentence?
Where were you born?
Where do you live now ?
Everywhere. From New York City, Asia, Lithuania or Barcelona.
What’s your favorite sport?
I love water, so- swimming.
What are your talents?
Talking with animals .
What’s your favorite color?
We know you have been modeling your whole life, how does it feel to be a beauty ICON?
I have never thought about that, but It feels good……I guess (laughing)
What does ACHIEVEMENT mean to you?
When can you say to yourself – yes, i did it!
What is your definition of success ?
Success loves brave people.
What do you look for when purchasing a bikini?
Two things – beauty and comfort.
How does Makara Wear differ from other swimwear companies ?
It’s super comfy. I love the quality.
Which one piece is your favorite from MAKARA WEAR collections?
OPEN SCALE Twin Peaks Red. I need this one!
And finally… If you could choose to go anywhere, right now, where would it be ? Why ?
Philippines. I just want to jump into a sky-blue water with many colorful fish. With my new red One Piece Swimsuit, of course.All photos taken by: Paulius Stefonavicius
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