
Powerful and transformational interview with Thanh: how better eating habits & exercises transformed her body & soul.
I am lucky to say that I always felt comfortable with my body as I understood from a very young age that physical aspects only accounted for such a small portion of who I am, and rather than hyper focusing on the outer shell that was readily given to me, I focused on nurturing who I was in my heart and mind as I believe that we hold all the power to become our greater self by being a certain way rather than looking it and that our true worth always shines through.

She chose Red Open Scale One Piece swimsuit and got some amazing pictures taken wearing a Makara one-piece. This is when we decided to invite this lady, mother, surfer, traveler, director of Hotel Pacai ( ) for an interview.
Powerhouse Ruta reveals how she manages TO DO IT ALL and what it's like to be splitting time between Bali and Lithuania. Ruta's presence is so calm, this woman just makes you smile!

This Beautiful Woman Solveiga Mykolaityte is one of the most recognised Lithuanian Models worldwide, she has really uplifting energy and an adventurous soul.
We met Solveiga through one of our most loved photographers Paulius Stefonavicius.